Friday, January 18, 2019

Getting healthy for the New Year? Don’t forget about your teeth!

New Year’s resolutions often include healthy commitments; unfortunately dental care is far too often neglected aspect of health. In fact, one in three people do not brush their teeth twice a day according to the survey, and the number of people who floss even once a week is dreadful.

On average adults have 13 or more decayed or missing teeth, that’s 1/3 of your entire mouth! There are serious health repercussions that stem from poor oral health, impacting other systems of the body.

Poor oral health has been linked to chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer and many others. Moreover, at home dental care is crucial to keeping plaque and tartar from building up on the teeth.

By carrying into early adulthood a majority of the population has experienced cavities in at least one tooth. Unfortunately as many as one-quarter of adults won’t seek treatment at the dentist for their decay. Moreover, poor oral hygiene can compound with risk factors like smoking and tobacco use, chronic diseases like diabetes, frequent alcohol use, poor diet, age, or gender, further impacting populations that are disproportionately impacted by poor oral health.

The good news is that cavities are 100% preventable if you focus on daily preventative care verses restorative treatment. Take care of your teeth and gums, and you reduce your risk of developing oral health issues and lower your risk factors for other conditions.

While not brushing enough definitely presents a problem, it is also possible to brush too frequently, which can erode tooth enamel. Brushing twice a day or three times maximum, paired with flossing and mouthwash is sufficient for keeping the teeth and gums clean. Visit the dentist every six months
for a professional exam and cleaning to screen for potential oral health issues.

Ameerpet Dental Specialities is one of the leading "Dental hospital in Hyderabad". For more details please do visit us.
call us 9989691114.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Best Cosmetic Dentist in Hyderabad

The exposure to the internet and satellite television has brought about a lot of awareness about cosmetics and beauty in the general population. Today a 60-year-old is equally conscious of his/her looks as an 18-year-old. This is also reflected in the rising number of patients presenting for cosmetic plastic surgery and dental procedures.

Previously the dental practice was restricting to alleviating pain or maybe extractions with a very little aspect of dental cosmetics. However, today it is very encouraging to see patients asking for veneers, metal free restorations and zoom whitening. When the work involves anterior teeth, the primary anxiety of the patient is whether he or she would have to
remain without teeth. Previously patients had to be convinced for these procedures. Today they come after reading enough literature from the internet so that they know what exactly they need.

Ameerpet Dental Specialities is a premium centre for modern cosmetic dentistry in Hyderabad, Telangana. Our highly trained cosmetic dentists have enough expertise and experience to handle even the most complex cosmetic dentistry problems with ease and precision. We are fully sensitive to the cosmetic needs of each and every patient and therefore devise a treatment plan accordingly.

If you too are looking for the best cosmetic dentist in Ameerpet, Telangana, contact us today. We assure you that our cosmetic treatment would change your smile and your life to the one you have always dreamed of.
Call to +91 99896 91114.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Best Root Canal Treatment – Ameerpet Dental Specialities

A common and routinely performed dental procedure is Root Canal Treatment. It is indicated in teeth with deep
cavity which are highly sensitive to hot/cold or have developed pain. The procedure ensures that even the tooth
with cavity can be saved and restored to function.

Basically the steps involved in a root canal treatment involve removal of a nerve inside the tooth which is
responsible for all the sensation that a tooth has. The space is then cleaned and shaped so as to receive a filling
which goes right up to the tooth apex.

Root canals are normally perceived by the patient to be associated with a lot of pain and lengthy process.
However with the use of modern technique and equipment, the root canals performed today are totally painless
and completed in a single sitting.

Another concern of the patient today is the cost associated with the Root Canal Treatment. It is of course slightly
expensive to save a tooth rather than to extract it, but in the long run the cost of saving a tooth is always less than
extracting and replacing it with artificial teeth.

Ameerpet Dental Specialities, and we have Dr. Sudheer Chowdary  is the best dentist for root canal treatment. The
treatment here is performed by specialists in the field. Moreover gone are the days when the root canal was
performed manually and took days to complete. Using motorized instrumentation, apex locator and the digital imaging
system, the treatment can be done in less than hour and that too with perfection. 

So what are you waiting for?? Visit us today and experience perfection in the hands of the experts....