Friday, January 4, 2019

Best Root Canal Treatment – Ameerpet Dental Specialities

A common and routinely performed dental procedure is Root Canal Treatment. It is indicated in teeth with deep
cavity which are highly sensitive to hot/cold or have developed pain. The procedure ensures that even the tooth
with cavity can be saved and restored to function.

Basically the steps involved in a root canal treatment involve removal of a nerve inside the tooth which is
responsible for all the sensation that a tooth has. The space is then cleaned and shaped so as to receive a filling
which goes right up to the tooth apex.

Root canals are normally perceived by the patient to be associated with a lot of pain and lengthy process.
However with the use of modern technique and equipment, the root canals performed today are totally painless
and completed in a single sitting.

Another concern of the patient today is the cost associated with the Root Canal Treatment. It is of course slightly
expensive to save a tooth rather than to extract it, but in the long run the cost of saving a tooth is always less than
extracting and replacing it with artificial teeth.

Ameerpet Dental Specialities, and we have Dr. Sudheer Chowdary  is the best dentist for root canal treatment. The
treatment here is performed by specialists in the field. Moreover gone are the days when the root canal was
performed manually and took days to complete. Using motorized instrumentation, apex locator and the digital imaging
system, the treatment can be done in less than hour and that too with perfection. 

So what are you waiting for?? Visit us today and experience perfection in the hands of the experts....

1 comment:

  1. A bridge consists of artificial dental implants morrisville cemented onto adjacent natural teeth. If a fixed bridge were to be used, your dentist would cut down the adjacent teeth (the second molar and the second bicuspid) and fit a three unit fixed bridge over those two teeth.
